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Contract Documents

    Fiscal Year 24-25

    Guidance 1 - Certified Domestic Violence Center Expiration-Termination Transition
    Guidance 2 - Incident Reporting Procedures and Guidelines
    Guidance 3 - Tangible Property Requirements
    Guidance 4 - Primary Prevention Guidelines
    Guidance 5 - CPI Project Guidelines
    Guidance 6 - Supportive Housing Services Guidelines
    Guidance 7 - Privilege Instructions and Forms
    Guidance 8 - Florida Domestic Violence Services Report
    Guidance 9 - FVPSA Statistical Report Instructions
    Guidance 10 - Definition
    Guidance 11 - ODV Allowable Cost Guide

    Guidance 12 - Release of Confidential Information Form - English-Creole-Spanish

    Simplified Versions
    Guidance Document 12 ROI Advocate Instructions (English)
    Guidance Document 12 ROI.24 (English)
    Guidance Document 12 ROI.24.LP (English)
    Guidance Document 12 ROI Advocate Instructions (Spanish)
    Guidance Document 12 ROI.24 (Spanish)
    Guidance Document 12 ROI.24.LP (Spanish)
    Guidance 13 - Family Violence Prevention Services Act Guidelines
    Template 1 - Incident Reporting Form
    Template 2 - Tangible Property Request Form
    Template 3 - TANF Eligibility Determination Form English Version
    Template 3 - TANF Eligibility Determination Form Spanish Version
    Template 4 - Prevention Implementation Plan
    Template 5 - CPI Advocate Attestation Form
    Template 6 - DVS Center Contact Form
    Template 7 - Advocate Privilege Request Form
    Template 8 - Quarterly Domestic Violence Report
    Template 9 - Primary Prevention Report Form
    Template 10 - CPI Project Report Form
    Template 11 - Supportive Housing Services Report Form
    Template 12 - FVPSA Annual Narrative Report
    Template 13 - Invoice (Full)
    Template 13 - Invoice (No ARP)
    Template 13 - Invoice (No CPI)
    Template 14 - Cost Allocation Plan - Operating Budget Form
    Template 15 - Expenditure Report
    Template 16 - Planned Uses of Carry Forward Funds
    Template 18 - ARP Reimbursement Form is now incorporated into the last worksheet in Template 13 – Invoice
    Template 19 - Property Disposition Form


    Fiscal Year 24-25 Documents are currently under development. Until they are finalized, Providers should continue to use the documents for Fiscal Year 23-24.


    Fiscal Year 23-24

    Attachment 3 – Privilege Instructions and Forms
    Attachment 4 - Definitions
    Attachment 5 (A- E) Monthly Domestic Violence Report
         • Attachment 5A – Quarterly DV Services Narrative Report
         • Attachment 5B – Monthly Primary Prevention Report
         • Attachment 5C – Monthly CPI Report
         • Attachment 5D – JFF Monthly Program Status Report
         • Attachment 5E – EJ Quarterly Report
    Attachment 6 (A-B)
         • Attachment 6A – Quarterly Financial Report
         • Attachment 6B – Annual Financial Report
    Attachment 7 - Monthly Request for Payment
    Attachment 8 - Financial and Compliance Audit
    Attachment 9 - Florida Domestic Violence Services Report
    Attachment 10 - FVSPA Quarterly Progress Report
    Attachment 11 - FVSPA Annual Narrative Report
    Attachment 12 - Provider Contact Form
    Attachment 13 - Allowable Cost Guide
    Attachment 14 - Annual Inventory Report
    Attachment 15 - Planned Uses of Carry Forward Funds
    Attachment 16 - DFS Reference Guide for Expenditures
    Attachment 17 - DV Center Quarterly Budget Projection
    Attachment 18 - 2022-2023 TANF Eligibility Form
    Attachment 19 - Ethics Complaint Form
    Attachment 20 - Prevention Implementation Guide and Form
    Attachment 21 - Lien and Security Agreement Form
    Attachment 22 - Release of Confidential Information (English-Creole-Spanish)
    Attachment 23 – Lobbying
    Attachment 24 – ODV Incident Report
    Attachment 25 – Certified Domestic Violence Center Expiration/Termination Transition Planning Requirements
    Attachment 26 - Property Disposition Form
    Attachment 27 – Tangible Property Request Form
    Attachment 28 – Budget Modification Request Form
    Attachment 29 – State Authorization to Incur Travel Request Form
    Attachment 30 – Travel Reimbursement Form
    Attachment 31 – ARP Reimbursement Form