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Large Family Child Care Home Operators Training Requirements

A large family child care home must first have operated as a licensed family day care home for two consecutive years within five years of the date of the application to be licensed as a large family child care home. Additionally, the operator must have an active Staff Credential Verification Confirmation documented on the Training Transcript for at least one year prior to licensure. 

Introductory Training Required Prior to Licensure

Prior to Licensure

Complete 30 hours of mandated training by passage of a competency exam or educational exemption.

Additional Training Requirements Prior to Licensure

Prior to Licensure

Early Literacy

Complete 5 hours of literacy training through one of the following:

  • Early Literacy for Children Birth to Three (5 hours) online course
  • Emergent Literacy for Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Instructors (5 hours) online course
  • One of the department’s approved literacy training courses
  • One college level early literacy course (for credit or non-credit) if taken within the last five years

Prior to Licensure

First Aid and Pediatric CPR

Must maintain an active certificate of course completion for pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedures and first aid training at all times. CPR courses must include an on-site instructor-based skills assessment that shall be documented by the certified CPR instructor.

Prior to Licensure

Universal Precautions/Exposure Plan

All child care personnel are required to be educated on the program’s Exposure Plan regarding universal safety precautions prior to beginning work and annually thereafter.

Within First 30 Days of Licensure

Fire Extinguisher Training

All child care personnel must complete training in the use and operation of a fire extinguisher.

Safe Sleep/Shaken Baby Syndrome Training

Operators offering care to infants must complete one of the following:

  • DCF Health, Safety and Nutrition (8 hours) OR
  • DCF Safe Sleep Practices for Child Care (1 hour) OR
  • Early Learning Florida’s Safe Sleep Practices (1 hour)

Prior to Administration of Medication

Medication Administration

Prior to administering medication to children, child care personnel responsible for administering medication must complete training on proper medication administration procedures.

Introductory Training Required After Licensure

Within Six (6) Months of Licensure

Must complete 10 hours of Part II training by passage of a competency exam or educational exemption. Part II training may be completed through one of the following options:

  • Understanding Developmentally Appropriate Practice (5 hours) AND one (1) of the following:
    • Infant and Toddler Appropriate Practice (5 hours)
    • Preschool Appropriate Practice (5 hours)
    • School-Age Appropriate Practice (5 hours)
  • OR
  • Special Needs Appropriate Practice (10 hours)
  • Note: Training is available online or instructor-led.

Annual In-Service Training

During Licensure Year

Large Family Child Care Home Operators must complete a minimum of 10 hours or 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) of in-service training annually during the operator’s 12-month licensing period. Note: College courses concentrating on children ages birth through twelve will be accepted. Documentation of the in-service training must be recorded on the CF-FSP Form 5268A and maintained at the licensed family child care home.